Friday, August 28, 2009

My Big Bad Blog Tour

Only a few days left until the "official" release date of The Treasures of Venice, though copies are already on the shelves of some bookstores, and Amazon started shipping orders a week ago!

Once again, Aunty will be all over the blog-o-sphere. I started my BIG BAD BLOG tour to promote the book this week. Some of the blog appearances I arranged and some were arranged by my lovely Sourcebooks publicist, Danielle. I'll be giving away copies of TToV at every stop (except the B&N Mystery board), so if you leave comments YOU could WIN!

Here are some blog appearances starting with today:
WHEW!!! I'm tired after just typing in all those dates! In fact, I'll be leaving on a ten day cruise to Mexico on September 20th in order to recover from my blog tour!

But seriously, if you (or someone you know) has a blog and you'd like to host me on any of the days NOT listed or anytime after October 1st, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! As I'm sure you can guess by this list, Aunty LURVES doing guest blogs, and I love it even more when I have lots of commenters!

Hope to see all of you on one or more of those blog dates.


Sheila Deeth said...

You are going to be busy! Congratulations, and have a fun blog tour, and fun Mexico tour.

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

Thanx Sheila!

The cruise to Mexico will be my reward for finishing the blog tour. ;-) Hope to see you on some of the "tour stops."


Jane said...

I'm going to make sure to visit at each blog tour stop. Hope you don't mind seeing the same comments and answers. Wow, a 10 day cruise. I've been on a couple of 4 day cruises.

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

Darlin' I NEVER get tired of seeing your comments! I HOPE HOPE HOPE you win a copy! And even more,I hope you enjoy the story.

This cruise will go to the Sea of Cortez, which we've never visited before, so I'm really looking forward to it.


Helen said...

You are so going to need that cruise after all of those blogs LOL I have been dropping into them already and loving them I am going to try and make it to all of them so I might need a cruise afterwards, although I have ordered my copy of TTOV from Rendezvous here in Australia and I should have it in about 12 days they say keep your fingers crossed because I can't wait to read it.

Have Fun

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

Hey Helen,
If you do visit all of my guest blogs you WILL need a cruise. I wish you could hop on a plane for San Francisco and GO WITH ME! We'd have a real blast!

Hope you get your copy of TToV SOON! Of course, it wouldn't hurt to win one either. ;-)


Helen said...

Aunty Cindy
How I wish I could come on the cruise with you I agree we would have a blast.

It would be wonderful to have 2 copies of TTOV but I wasn't taking any chances on my luck winning a copy I need to read this book

Have Fun

Terri Osburn said...

You are one busy lady!!!

Thanks so much for spending release day with us on The Revenge. You were great, as always.

You will have earned that cruise by the 20th.

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

Thank you so much for inviting me. I always have a blast with you wenches on the Revenge! It got me in the mood for sailing the high seas, which I'll be doing in less than 3 weeks now. ;-)