Friday, December 31, 2010

Good-bye 2010!

It's New Year's Eve!


I must admit, I'm glad to see 2010 end. All and all it has been a CRAPtastic year for me, one I don't care to repeat.

Overall, I know I had positives happen, but the overwhelming negatives left such a pall that they are the only parts of the year I remember.

More than anything,2010 hammered home the point that my life can be changed in an instant. Forever altered (usually for the worst) in one split second.

I hope and pray for no more such life altering moments in the coming year. I want my life to change in a positive direction. I've had enough negative to last me for the rest of my life!

All right, no more whining from me. HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!


Margay Leah Justice said...

I feel the same way! In this year alone, my younger daughter did three stints in the hospital, I lost an aunt to diabetic kidney disease and cancer, and found out that my older sister not only has breast cancer, but lupus, too. Craptastic is a perfect word to describe this year for me. I hope your 2011 is the best ever!

Mason Canyon said...

Wishing only good things for the coming year. Happy New Year.

Thoughts in Progress

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

Oh Margay,
I'm so sorry you had so many negatives happen to you in 2010. You are waaay overdue for a positive and upbeat 2011! I hope and pray it happens for you.


Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

Thanx Mason!

Being your guest blogger was one of the positives that happened to me in 2010. I hope 2011 brings lots of positives for you!


Margay Leah Justice said...

Thanks! I hope so, too!

Jane said...

Hey Aunty Cindy,
Happy New Year. Hope you have a happy and healthy 2011.

Helen said...

2010 was't the best year I have had either so I agree 2011 is going to be a great year.
To Everyone may 2011 be filled with lots of love and fun

Have Fun

Sheila Deeth said...

Happy New Year. My husband reckons good ones usually follow bad. Not sure what that means when it's actually been a good year. Wishing you well.

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

Thanx Jane!

Hope your 2011 is GREAT too!


Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

I hope your DH is doing better, I know he's had a rough year health wise, which is hard on you too.

I AGREE! Let's all have lots of love and FUN in 2011.


Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

I like your husband's reasoning! Since 2010 SUCKED for me, then 2011 will be GREAT!

Hope it's the same for you,