Friday, March 14, 2008

An Infomercial

I now interrupt my own blog to plug some of the other things going on in my writing life...

First, and most exciting- -"the book formerly known as" Death In The Fens is AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER ON AMAZON! Never mind that the title listed on Amazon is NOT the "official" title. But the publication date really is October, 2008! So still no title and of course, no cover, but A PUBLICATION DATE! That's progress! If you go on Amazon and do a search for my name, THERE IT IS!

Second, I'm now part of a new Yahoo group for Sourcebook authors and readers. Here's a link if anybody is interested in joining. But more than that, I'd love for you to join MY Yahoo Group (see the blog sidebar) for periodic updates on my book and my writing.

Click here to join Discovering_Romance_with_Sourcebooks
Click to join Discovering_Romance_with_Sourcebooks

And finally, since this is my Infomercial, might as well drop in a plug for the Romance Bandits. Romantic Times is holding their annual convention in Pittsburg, PA April 16--20th. Several of the Banditas (including Donna MacMeans, Christie Kelley, KJ Howe, and Trish Milburn) will be there. Here's your chance to meet some REAL LIVE Romance Bandits. Unfortunately, time and resources (read $$) have conspired to prevent me from attending. Maybe next year...


Donna MacMeans said...

Hey AC - Just wanted to send a congrats through the ether on your Amazon listing & publication date. Don't worry, it'll be here before you know it.

You may not physically be in Pittsburgh next month, but you'll be there in spirit. Your ears will be ringing all week *g*.

Congrats again!

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

MWAH!!! Thanx a BUNCH, Donna! You know how much I'd LOVE to join you all in Pittsburgh, but at least we will all be together in SF in July.

Silly me, I thought the waiting would get easier once I SOLD. If anything, it feels worse. :-( I know you felt the same way before Mrs. Brimley hit the shelves. Feels like it has been 4EVAH since I got THE CALL. But now it's only 6 1/2 more months to go. I'll make it somehow.