This month has been waaaay too Lion-ish for me! To say the weather has been nasty would be a gross understatement. We've had TWO tornadoes touch down in my neck o' the woods, something UNHEARD OF in NorCal! Please excuse me while I whine:
I don't remember previous years being so wet and blustery. My son and I went to lunch and then grocery shopping a few days ago and the rain was coming down so hard we could have been in a car wash! Then the winds would gust and send it sideways, so an umbrella was worse than useless. My favorite local weatherman said last night that our rainfall is at 157% of normal.
When I first moved to this area more than three decades ago, I visited the Donner Memorial State Park. I'll never forget seeing the "stumps" of trees the ill-fated Donner party used for firewood, because those "stumps" were fifteen feet tall! That's how deep the snow was at their camp back in the winter of 1846-47.

Well, last night on the local news, they reported that a ski area about 60 miles east of my house had six hundred inches of snow! Yes, you read that correctly, OVER FIFTEEN METERS (for you metric readers and 50 FEET for the rest of us)! People literally can not find their vacation homes. Here's a shot of one of the main roadways less than an hour's drive from my house.
Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere near all that snow. I'm too busy worrying about the Sacramento River, which is less than two miles away. It went over its "critical" stage last night. ACK!
But all the local weather forecasters are in agreement that the winter storms are over and spring will arrive before the end of the week. I'm not so sure I believe them.
Has spring (or fall) arrived at your house? And do you believe the TV meteorologists?
When I first moved to this area more than three decades ago, I visited the Donner Memorial State Park. I'll never forget seeing the "stumps" of trees the ill-fated Donner party used for firewood, because those "stumps" were fifteen feet tall! That's how deep the snow was at their camp back in the winter of 1846-47.

Well, last night on the local news, they reported that a ski area about 60 miles east of my house had six hundred inches of snow! Yes, you read that correctly, OVER FIFTEEN METERS (for you metric readers and 50 FEET for the rest of us)! People literally can not find their vacation homes. Here's a shot of one of the main roadways less than an hour's drive from my house.
Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere near all that snow. I'm too busy worrying about the Sacramento River, which is less than two miles away. It went over its "critical" stage last night. ACK!
But all the local weather forecasters are in agreement that the winter storms are over and spring will arrive before the end of the week. I'm not so sure I believe them.
Has spring (or fall) arrived at your house? And do you believe the TV meteorologists?