Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Wild Sight Is #1!

I'm so excited, I had to share the news.

Yesterday I discovered that the Kindle edition of The Wild Sight is being offered for FREE on Amazon. Plus, it was #1 on the Free Kindle Bestseller list!

Seeing one of MY books on a Bestseller List -- ANY bestseller list is a huge thrill!

If you don't own a copy of The Wild Sight (or even if you do) hop on over to Amazon and download a free copy. And, of course, if you decide to buy Kindle editions of my other two books, that would be GREAT too.

Do you pay attention to bestseller lists? Ever read books just because they are on a list? Do you buy and read electronic books?


Unknown said...

Yippee! Congrats Cindy! I'm sure you are getting lots of new readers right now.

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

Hey Angie!

I hope you are RIGHT!

I also just found out it is available for free on Nook. :-)