Friday, September 14, 2007


This morning I received THE CALL that all us hopeful AYUs long to get.

Sourcebooks wants to publish my novel Death In The Fens in the Fall of 2008!

I have been screaming, hyperventilating and generally jumping around like a lunatic ALL DAY! I wouldn't be a bit surprised if my head spun completely around and I spewed pea soup (even though I NEVER touch the stuff)!

Basically I have been busting my butt to achieve this goal for almost FOUR YEARS, but being published has been my dream for most of my life! I was beginning to fear that I would never feel the joy of going into a bookstore and seeing MY BOOK on the shelf. BUT NOW I WILL!!!

I AM AYU (As Yet Unpublished) NO LONGER!!!

I AM NOW ATBP (About To Be Published)!!!


Christine Wells said...

Just wanted to pop over and say CONGRATUBLOODYLATIONS from Oz, Aunty Cindy!!!! We're so happy for you we're taking our Akubras off long enough to do a happy dance in your honour.
Lots of love from Downunder.*g*

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

(((HUGS))) Christine!
Not sure what Akubras are, but I think I'd like to see Eric Bana without HIS! LOL!

My newest dream is to be able to fly Downunder to promote Death In The Fens once it hits the shelves! Now there's a concept...A Yank going to Oz to promote a book set in Ireland!

joining in the happy dancing