Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bandita Invasion!

This week the 19 other Romance Bandits and I have been invited to blog over at Romance Novel TV. (just click on the title of this post to go there)

We are doing a fun exercise where every day four Banditas each write a short vignette to go with one picture. We then ask for readers to supply the next line of the story. We're giving away lots of prizes every day for the best lines.

Today (Tues. the 27th) is my turn. I'm appearing with contemporary debut author Susan Sey, and historical writers Joan Kayse and Christine Wells. We've had a lot of fun picking our picture, called "Girl In A Cage" and we all took a very different slant with our vignettes.

Later this week (the 29th and 30th) we are holding a contest on the Casablanca Authors blog. If you are an aspiring writer, be SURE to check it out! (http://www.casablancaauthors.blogspot.com/)


Helen said...

Aunty Cindy

These are so much fun I am not a writer but I have given it a go some of the last lines from people are fantastic I am sure there are a lot of would be authors out there.

Have Fun

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

GOOD FOR YOU! I thought some of your lines were pretty darn cute!

My biggest problem was keeping my vignette under 150 words. SHEESH! It takes me that many words just to say hello. LOL!